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New 10-Block Mixed-Use Development to Revitalize EaDo Neighborhood

Published Nov 15, 2023 by Hailea Schultz

东块 Rendering

东块 Rendering Courtesy of Pagewood/Wile Interests

Warehouse Rendering

房地产开发商Pagewood和Wile Interests宣布了一个新的重建项目,将把休斯顿繁华的东市中心附近的仓库改造成一个巨大的10个街区的综合功能区. 

Slated to break ground in the second quarter of 2024, the multi-phased development – dubbed 东块, will encompass 513,000 square feet southwest of Shell 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Stadium, 根据 Houston Business Journal

Phase one will feature a unique blend of restaurants, 商店, 办公室和绿地,将包括现有租户8th Wonder Brewery和Pitch 25, 而第二阶段将专注于额外的零售和餐厅空间. 

Aiming to enhance walkability in the area, 该项目包括将该基地的前铁路改造成四个城市绿地,这些绿地将连接振兴的仓库. 现有的长廊将成为一个专门的绿色空间,用于社区聚会和活动,如健身课程和农贸市场. 

另外, 东部街区将包括一个露天小巷概念,连接哈钦斯街和麦金尼街沿线的三座建筑,以及一个步行和骑自行车的环路,将提供从市中心和穿过EaDo和东区的哥伦比亚塔普小径到新区的便捷通道.  


Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队正在努力为东街区注入休斯顿各地的多样性和个性, 同时也使它成为一个真正适合步行和骑自行车的目的地,这个城市还没有看到,” said Paul Coonrod, founder and managing principal of Pagewood in a statement. “一旦完成, visitors can expect a dynamic destination with unique retail, restaurants and office space paired with local art, events with sport teams and charities, and experiences that highlight Houston’s position as a global, 一流的城市.”

东河, 这是一个占地150英亩的综合开发项目,位于布法罗河(Buffalo Bayou)岸边,今年开业,特色是办公室, restaurant and retail space along with a 360-unit apartment complex. 该项目还包括一个九洞高尔夫球场和东河九号餐厅概念.

类似的概念, 这种植物, a 17-acre mixed-use district, will revamp the historic streets of Second Ward, 建立一个适合步行的区域,周围有各种各样的餐馆和商店. The Houston Astros also recently announced plans for an entertainment district adjacent to Minute Maid Park that will feature a 17-story hotel, 60,000平方英尺的零售空间和一个三层的聚集区,供球迷观看比赛和其他重大体育赛事.

这些发展不仅解决了城市中常见的挑战,比如缺乏步行区, 但它们也表明了休斯敦对提供卓越生活质量的坚定承诺.

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New project to Transform Downtown Houston into Walkable Destination

一个项目旨在通过将市中心的七个街区改造成无车区来增加休斯顿的可步行性, pedestrian-friendly destination. The project, dubbed More Space: Main Street 2.0, 将把主街从商业街延伸到鲁斯克街,并从鲁斯克街到艾伦街再增加四个街区, bringing the area to span a total of 11 blocks. This expansion will permanently block off traffic to the area, creating a promenade where people can safely eat, 购物和聚会.  单击展开 最初是为了在COVID-19大流行期间支持当地企业而推出的, the More Space: Main Street 2.0项目最初使企业能够利用道路空间进行户外用餐,而人们则可以享受扩大的步行区. 该计划的受欢迎程度促使休斯顿市议会于2023年正式批准其永久实施, with the goal of attracting more visitors to the area.  单击展开 Spearheaded by Downtown Houston+, the project is currently in its final design and engineering stages, which include plans for new safety crossings, shaded social areas, landscaping and public art installations. 建设计划于2025年开始,预计将在2026年世界杯比赛之前完工.  “主街长廊是一个变革性的项目,定义了主街和市中心的下一个篇章," Mayor John Whitmire said in a 新闻 release, as reported by the Houston Chronicle. "I am excited about the City's future, 包括市区, Hga010皇冠软件下载在哪里设计一个吸引更多的人来工作的目的地, 生活和娱乐."  More Space: Main Street 2.0只是正在进行的几个旨在改善休斯顿步行性的举措之一. 另一个项目, 东块, led by real estate developers Pagewood and Wile Interests, 将把东市中心的仓库改造成一个适合步行的10个街区的综合功能区. 另外, 这种植物, a 17-acre mixed-use district, will revamp the historic streets of Second Ward, 建立一个适合步行的区域,周围有各种各样的餐馆和商店.  Discover more about living in Houston. 
Economic Development

Houston Remains Top Texas City in New National Ranking

休斯顿再次荣登年度美国最佳城市排行榜榜首, claiming first in the state and No. 10 in the nation, surpassing Dallas and Austin.  这份报告, compiled by international consulting firm Resonance, ranks cities with a population of more than 500,000 based on livability, lovability and prosperity. 多年来,河口城在《皇冠HGA010官方下载》杂志的榜单上一直名列前茅,排名第一. 2023年是第9位,2023年是第9位. 11 in 2022, drawing praise for its cultural diversity, award-winning restaurant scene, number of Fortune 500 companies and quality of life.  休斯顿的人口增长可归因于其高质量的生活和强劲的经济. According to a Greater Houston Partnership analysis, Houston added nearly 140,000 residents in 2023, marking the second highest population growth among U.S. 地铁.  “Austin may get the attention, 但是,“孤星之州”吸引加州和纽约人的承诺正在休斯顿悄然实现,” the report stated.  今年的报告再次承认休斯顿是美国最多元化的城市之一, 四分之一的居民在国外出生,有超过145种语言, 赢得第一名. 21 spot in the report’s 文化 category. 该报告还强调了这座城市丰富的国际节日, world-class museums and cultural centers, including the new Ismaili Center set to open next year.  休斯顿的餐饮环境在报告的餐厅分类中排名第四, ahead of popular foodie destinations including San Francisco, Las Vegas and Miami. The city earned acclaim for its diverse blend of dishes, 在报告中被描述为“南方灵魂和墨西哥烤肉,然后用全球美食调味。.” Earlier this year, 11家休斯顿餐厅和厨师入围2024年詹姆斯比尔德奖半决赛.   这份报告 also applauded Houston’s robust economy, ranking No. 财富500强企业数量和专利数量位居全国第三. Houston is home to 26 Fortune 500 companies, 使其成为全国第三大财富500强总部中心. As a hub for business development and opportunity, Houston was also recently named the best city to grow a business, 根据 a new study by The RevOps Team.  另外, 共振认可了河口城在全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型中的领导地位, 据估计,未来15年该地区的潜在投资将达到2500亿美元, 根据 a recent McKinsey report. 这份报告 also highlighted Houston’s reputation as Space City, 提到了关键的设施和投资,比如休斯顿太空港, which is anchored by NASA-contract-winning companies Axiom Space, Collins 航空航天 and Intuitive Machines.  Learn more about living in Houston.  


Economic Development

生命科学 and 生物技术 Forum

为最重要的问题寻找解决方案已经融入了休斯顿的DNA. As the Third Coast for 生命科学, the region’s world-class medical centers, research institutes and private companies are taking on…
